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AICN has More on Cloverfield
Written by Arus   
Monday, 16 July 2007

Image Harry at AICN has done a follow up article to all the hoopla over the Cloverfield trailer seen in theaters these past 2 weeks (attached to Transformers). His original article "Regarding CLOVERFIELD And THE DARK TOWER!!" set off a tremendous amount of interest amongst fans and of course the trailer had many speculating on exactly what the heck this codenamed movie is about. Including speculation about it being a Voltron movie (sorry folks, it isn't).


His new article  "RUMOR CONTROL! Let’s Talk About CLOVERFIELD/SLUSHO/1-18-08! " puts to rest some of the speculation. And of course addresses the other sites that has nothing to do with Cloverfield. I highly suggest this article in case you are still wondering what Cloverfield is really about; and of course the mystery we will have to endure for the next 6 months until its release into theaters.



Voltronblog.com is a FAKE site
Written by Arus   
Friday, 13 July 2007

Image Well, it seems that the recently registered Voltronblog.com site seems  to be a fake site. We know from the whois information, that its not associated with World Events Productions or anyone associated with the production of the Voltron Live Action Movie; nor that its associated with JJ Abrams and his production commpany, Bad Robot.  Today, it was updated with a 10 second clip that seems to be a play off of the Cloverfield trailer. And the "conveniently" placed date to the side of the clip (011808), proves that this just a fan created website, taking advantage of all the interest in the recent speculation that Cloverfield is Voltron. Another clue was that the background on the page was called "notlost.jpg" . Apparently a fan also took advantage that Cloverfield is being produced by JJ Abrams, who is of course behind the TV series LOST.


For now, just take it as a fan site, created to trick you into  thinking that Cloverfield and the Voltron Live Action movie are one in the same. The site owner just created to take advantage of the speculation surrounding JJ Abrams' mystery movie.


The posted video is this one:



So, nothing but a joke thus far.


Update:  It seems that there is also another site registered by the same person as Voltronblog.com . It's http://voltrononline.com/ - seeing that both sites share the same IP of ; both sites were registered on July 4, 2007.



Fleet of Doom Available on DVD
Written by Arus   
Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Image For long time fans of the series, World Events Productions have now made available the long awaited, Fleet of Doom Special. In this movie, it features for the first time the two Voltron teams working together as they face off with King Zarkon and the Drule Viceroy Throk's armada. Things get increasingly difficult when Prince Lotor enters the fray with his own robeast, and the evil Witch Haggar decides to kidnap the Princess Allura's soul and bring her into her famed Dream Dimension.

The DVD release features a lot of extras including character art, original series openers, on the street interviews with fans (or not?), Voltron fan films, and other WEP properties.

The DVD is only exclusive to Voltron.com so you will have to purchase it through their website:



Cost is $19.95 + shipping.


Own a piece of Voltron history! 

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Cloverfield and Voltron
Written by Arus   
Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Image Okay, it seems that this whole JJ Abrams movie, which is going by Cloverfield has started up a nice little internet query fury. Just within the last couple of days, traffic to this site has nearly tripled due to the interest drawn up by the short trailer that appeared before Transformers: The Movie.


First and foremost however, I reported in an earlier post that the speculation that the trailer before Transformers was thought to be something for Voltron, but I want to also clarify that the entry didn't make much sense and now Im seeing from replies to my article on other forum sites , that many are assuming that Im attributing the trailer to that being for the Voltron Movie.

Let me make this clear:  Im not saying Cloverfield is Voltron. Far from it. I wrote the earlier article because from the website I linked to it, it was addressing speculation that the trailer was for Voltron; and in that website, they had linked to a website that was recently registered and posted entitled Voltronblog.com  . Voltronblog and the trailer/Cloverfield have nothing to do with each other. I just wanted to show that Voltronblog.com seems to be a site that will be "blogging" about anything to do with the Voltron movie due out in 2008


Now, as for Cloverfield. Its REALLY safe to say that JJ Abrams isn't doing a Voltron movie simply for these simple facts:

1) The trailer stated 1-18-08 . That is believed to be the release date.

2) In my previous article, we only just received a preliminary screenplay preview of the Voltron Movie that is in production.

3) Given that the Voltron Movie just got a "glimpse" of a screenplay, its highly unlikely that any footage/filming is occuring. And the fact that there has been no news concerning CASTING.

4) The Voltron movie is going to be another SFX type movie. So of course, news of which SFX house will be doing the effects would be known by now. 

5) The proposed budget for Cloverfield is reported to be $65 million. Transformers was $150 million to make. Spider-man 3 was $165 million to make. Superman Returns was $250 million to make. Easy to see that a GOOD Voltron movie would not be able to be done on merely $65 million.

6) The entire movie in Cloverfield will be filmed  using the Camcorder style ala Blair Witch Project. Do you want to watch a Voltron Movie from the viewpoint of the person using a camcorder?


Viral Marketing for Voltron Movie?
Written by Arus   
Thursday, 05 July 2007

Image I was searching for more information on the JJ Abrams (Lost, Mission Impossible III) monster movie called Cloverfield and came upon this article:

Analyzing JJ Abrams’ Cloverfield: Voltron, Godzilla, Lost, Gamera

which mentioned that many "fans" were speculating that it wasn't a "monster" movie but something related to a Voltron movie (and others, including Godzilla). But this url below was what got me interested seeing that JJ Abrams is definitely using some viral marketing for the promotion of his new film:


This site was recently registered yesterday:

   Brian Reichle
   3812 N. Lupine Lane #B
   Calabasas, California 91302
   United States

   Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
      Created on: 04-Jul-07
      Expires on: 04-Jul-08
      Last Updated on: 04-Jul-07
Administrative Contact:
      Reichle, Brian  
      3812 N. Lupine Lane #B
      Calabasas, California 91302
      United States
      (614) 507-4227

   Technical Contact:
      Reichle, Brian
      3812 N. Lupine Lane #B
      Calabasas, California 91302
      United States
      (614) 507-4227

   Domain servers in listed order:

Nothing on the site but a big grey/black image stating the year 2008

Something to keep an eye on.

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